En amerikaner, der lige har gået sin 2. camino, synes at det var en større oplevelse anden gang.
Hvornår går man den bedste Camino ? Det drøftes ofte på diverse pilgrimsfora på nettet, og det er ikke undertegnedes opfattelse, at der er enighed om, hvad der er bedst, ligesom der ofte er uenighed om, hvorvidt Camino Frances eller en af de andre ruter giver den største oplevelse. For mig står den 1. Camino ( Den franske rute) for snart 20 år siden stadig som noget ganske særligt, selvom jeg har haft store oplevelser på flere forskellige ruter - senest i foråret af Camino Portugues fra Fatima.
Men jeg vil lige dele denne amerikaners begejstring efter at have gået af Camino Frances for 2. gang med dem, der følger jakobsvejen.dk:
Just got back from my 2nd Camino
It was once again great ! I only had 2 weeks this time so walked from SJPP to Burgos.
The weather was very nice. I only had 1 day with rain. 5 cooler, but dry days and the rest nice sunny weather.
It was absolutely WAY more quiet then last year. (May 20th/June 21st) Plenty beds everywhere. I almost thought it was too quiet ha ha . This year I walked alone so welcomed the company, but there were some stretches where it was truly quiet.
The only day that I saw many pilgrims was from SJPP to Roncesvalles. I have no idea where they went the following day ha ha but I only saw a handful of pilgrims day 2. Maybe they left early. I had a late start due to a starting to feeling sick in the middle of the night . (Sore throat)
What I found different from my 1st Camino were 2 things. Physically all seemed a lot easier. The hills that I dreaded last year seemed more doable. Maybe simply because I knew what was coming? No horrible sore legs and feet this time (and once again no blisters) The other thing was that I felt more relaxed. I knew what to expect and enjoyed the scenery more . I soaked it up a bit more. Last year I rushed through some spots. This year I took some time to enjoy all more.
Some fun facts. I lost my selfie stick in Roncesvalles. Days later in Los Arcos I had dinner with 2 ladies and we talked about things we lost/forgot along the way......"My selfie stick" ....."Oh we found one " Yes it was mine lol. Also that same night an amazing performance on the plaza of Los Arcos. Turns out it was a candidate from the Spanish version of "The Voice". Great day !
Conclusion.....there will be a next Camino for me
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