mandag den 25. november 2024

Camino Mozarabe ramt af dårligt vejr

Camino Mozarabe fra Malaga i syd er der de seneste vintre sket en stigning i antallet af vinterpilgrimme, der gerne vil gå i lidt højere temperature. Men nu melder den lokale pilgrimsforening om problemer på grund af efterårets ekstreme vejrforhold i store dele af Spanien !

Asociación Jacobea de Málaga: 

Dear members and friends of Camino:

We would like to inform you that DANA and the torrential rains that have devastated our province have also destroyed our Mozarabe Way.
Specifically, the stages from Malaga to Almogía and later to Villanueva de la Concepcion and Antequera are CLOSED.
Just like the Almogía and Villanueva de la Concepción Shelters, they are also CLOSED. Our recommendation is to start from Antequera that is passable. Unfortunately this situation could continue over time.

Once the current poor state can be corrected, together with the respective institutions, we will inform you.

Og på følger de sammen med Malagas Pilgrimsforening med i de fysiske forhold på Camino Mozarabe: 

Nota noviembre 2024: debido a lluvias torrenciales las ramblas cercanas a Málaga están impracticables, la Asociación de Málaga recomienda —hasta nuevo aviso— iniciar el camino en Antequera

Så indtil videre ser det ud til, at det både mod syd og øst i Spanien er vanskeligt at gå pilgrimsvandring. 

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